Student Scientific Session 2025 - "Science in the Future"
February 25, 2025 – March 31, 2025, by 11:59 PM – Submission of participation requests
The deadline for submitting requests may be extended, please contact /
–> Participation request
By April 14, 2025 – Submission of the final version of the report –>
By April 18, 2025 – Review of reports by the committees.
By April 23, 2025 – Corrections to reports and resubmission.
April 23, 2025 – Publication of sections and schedule for the SNS.
April 24, 2025 – Conducting the SNS 2025 "Science in the Future".
10:00 – 10:30 Official opening.
10:40 – 12:00 Presentation of reports by sections - Session I
An exhibition of students from the Department of "Industrial Design" and the presentation of plenary reports will be held in the lobby of the New Educational Building /NUK/ Nov Ucheben Korpus, in the gallery.
12:00 – 12:30 Break
12:30 – 14:00 Presentation of reports by sections - Session II
16:00 Closing of SNS 2025 and official award ceremony. Outstanding students will be awarded with a certificate and a voucher.
For participation and evaluation of the presented student scientific papers
I. Participation
The SNS is open to students enrolled in Bachelor’s, Master’s, and PhD programs, as well as postgraduate students from Bulgaria and other countries across and beyond Europe, regardless of their mode of study.
Anyone wishing to participate must submit a registration request by March 31, 2025. Registration Form
Each paper may have a maximum of three co-authors.
If a section has five or fewer participants, it will be merged with another section within the same or a closely related field.
The presentation and defense of each paper must be completed within 10 minutes.
Papers that do not comply with the required template will not be accepted.
PhD students will present their research within the designated scientific sections but will be evaluated and ranked based on different criteria than Bachelor’s and Master’s students.
For further details regarding the Postgraduate Section, please contact Diana Atanasova:
The formatting requirements and session regulations for the "Postgraduate Section" are identical to those for the other sections.
II. Formatting Guidelines
Papers must be submitted and formatted according to the specified template → Template
The maximum length of the paper is ten standard pages, including illustrative materials.
All submissions must be in ".doc"/".docx" format.
References cited in the text must follow the specified citation format.
An abstract summarizing the essence of the paper (no more than 10 lines).
A set of keywords representing the paper’s core themes (up to 10 words).
III. Requirements for Preparing the Report:
Each report should be prepared in collaboration with a scientific supervisor.
1.1. The scientific supervisor must be a lecturer in the field related to the report's topic.
1.2. The scientific supervisor assists the author in preparing the report.
The mandatory language for the report is Bulgarian, except for foreign students.
IV. The authors participating in SNS declare that:
The report was prepared personally by them for participation in the SNS.
The report was not created with the help of third parties who are not explicitly mentioned in it, except for the scientific supervisor.
All ideas or excerpts taken from other works must be indicated in the used literature in accordance with Article 24, paragraph 1, item 2 of the Copyright and Related Rights Act (ZAPSP).
All reports violating IV, item 3 of the “REGULATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SNS at TU-Varna” will be disqualified from the SNS, and a penalty will be imposed, such as exclusion from future SNS events at TU-Varna.
The report, in whole or in essential parts, is not subject to third-party rights.
If there are fewer than three participants in a section, the section will be merged with another in the same or a similar professional field.
V. Admission to Participation and Review of Reports:
Reviewers will preliminarily evaluate the submitted reports and admit them to participation in the student session, according to the current regulations.
The review will include an evaluation and opinion.
If necessary, the report will be revised and resubmitted.
VI. Awards and Certificates:
All participants who present their reports to the committee will receive promotional materials and certificates of participation.
Awards for the top places in each section – 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.